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如何连接到 pyspark 数据框中的空列

更新时间:2023-11-18 20:03:52


spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
df = spark.createDataFrame([["1", "2"], ["2", None], ["3", "4"], ["4", "5"], [None, "6"]]).toDF("a", "b")

# This won't work
df = df.withColumn("concat", concat(df.a, df.b))

# This won't work
df = df.withColumn("concat + cast", concat(df.a.cast('string'), df.b.cast('string')))

# Do it like this
df = df.withColumn("concat_ws", concat_ws("", df.a, df.b))


|   a|   b|concat|concat + cast|concat_ws|
|   1|   2|    12|           12|       12|
|   2|null|  null|         null|        2|
|   3|   4|    34|           34|       34|
|   4|   5|    45|           45|       45|
|null|   6|  null|         null|        6|

请特别注意,将 NULL 列转换为字符串 不会 如您所愿,如果任何列为 null,将导致整行为 NULL.

Note specifically that casting a NULL column to string doesn't work as you wish, and will result in the entire row being NULL if any column is null.

没有处理更复杂场景的好方法,但请注意,如果您愿意,可以在 concat 旁边使用 when 语句忍受它的冗长,像这样:

There's no nice way of dealing with more complicated scenarios, but note that you can use a when statement in side a concat if you're willing to suffer the verboseness of it, like this:

df.withColumn("concat_custom", concat(
  when(df.a.isNull(), lit('_')).otherwise(df.a), 
  when(df.b.isNull(), lit('_')).otherwise(df.b))


|   a|   b|concat_custom|
|   1|   2|           12|
|   2|null|           2_|
|   3|   4|           34|
|   4|   5|           45|
|null|   6|           _6|