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通过 PowerShell 创建带有路径组件的注册表项

更新时间:2023-11-18 22:30:34

您需要做两件事.首先你需要得到一个可写的 RegistryKey 对象,否则你无论如何都不能修改任何东西.其次,直接在 RegistryKey 对象上使用 CreateSubKey 方法.

You need to do two things. First you need to get a writable RegistryKey object, otherwise you can't modify anything anyway. Second, use the CreateSubKey method on the RegistryKey object directly.

$writable = $true
$key = (get-item HKLM:\).OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE", $writable).CreateSubKey("C:/test")
$key.SetValue("Item 1", "Value 1")


After you create the key you use the resulting object to add values to it.