
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-19 08:27:10


Hi Ramseem,

感谢您在此处发布查询,但是此论坛使用独立于Microsoft Bot Framework的语言理解智能服务(LUIS)处理问题.您可以在Gitter页面上提出与bot框架有关的问题 对于Bot Framework: Microsoft/Bot Builder Gitter ,您的讨论会在这里更加富有成果.

Thanks for posting your query here, but this forum deals with the questions with Language Understanding Intelligent Service(LUIS) which is independent from the Microsoft Bot Framework. You can raise your questions related to bot framework on Gitter page for Bot Framework : Microsoft/Bot Builder Gitter, your discussion will be more fruitful there.


Let me try to take a crack at few of the questions.



Yes possible, as I see you can have two options here


a) use the speech translation api to translate the speech in different languages to English and then build your bot around the translated speech


b) use different cultures in LUIS to detect the the intents and take action based on them



Yes completely possible (You can ask the user if they want to use text or voice feature of bot > this is just a suggestion)

3) 自定义会话数据.

3)Customizing Conversational data.


4)   什么 需要订阅API吗?

4) What are the APIs needs to be subscribed?

取决于您的需要,关闭我可以说,语音翻译Apis(LUIS)是我的头,但是bot框架本身是开源的,但是 如果要在Azure上托管创建的机器人,则需要付费.

Depends upon your need, off the top of my head I can say Speech Translation Apis, LUIS , but the bot framework itself is open source but you will have to pay a fees if you want to host your created bot on Azure.

5)   投诉.

5) Data security and protection ,GDPR, HIPPA complaints.

我建议您去通过官方bot框架博客上的以下帖子.  一般的 数据保护法规(GDPR)

I would suggest you to go through following post on the official bot framework blog. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

6和7) 可用公开.

6 and 7)Is our company private data available to public.


I dont see any reason why it will be available. If you are planning to host the bot on Azure and want to understand how the data privacy works probably you might want to talk to the Azure Support Team Azure Support Options

在我看来,如果Microsoft要使用您的任何使用数据,则它们是关于此的先行信息并寻求您的许可以使用数据.因此,如果您担心此问题,可以联系Azure支持 并寻求信息.

In my opinion if Microsoft wants to use any of your usage data , they are upfront about it and seek your permission to use the data. So if you are concerned about that you can contact the Azure Support and seek information.