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获取我的机器人发送的消息的消息 ID

更新时间:2023-11-19 12:13:10

当你使用 TextChannel.send() (或 Discord.js 中的任何其他类型的 .send),它返回一个 Promise 解决您刚刚发送的消息.
要处理该消息,您可以使用 await 将其存储在变量中或使用 Promise.then() 并将其余代码作为函数传递.

When you use TextChannel.send() (or any other kind of .send in Discord.js), it returns a Promise that resolves with the message you just sent.
To work with that message, you can either use await to store it in a variable or use Promise.then() and pass the rest of your code as a function.


// with async/await:
async function replyAndLog() {
  let sent = await message.reply("Your stuff..."); // this returns the message you just sent
  let id = sent.id; // you can get its ID with <Message>.id, as usually

// with <Promise>.then():
message.reply("Your stuff").then(sent => { // 'sent' is that message you just sent
  let id = sent.id;