
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-19 13:53:28


I was looking for an answer to exactly this problem, and found this link as well as another interesting related question here:

  • Android JUnit test for SQLiteOpenHelper

由@Pietro接受的答案的 显示了一些简单的code,使用基本 AndroidTestCase ,这将直接有助于回答这个问题。

The accepted answer by @Pietro shows some simple code, using a basic AndroidTestCase, which will help directly to answer the question.

public class DatabaseTest extends AndroidTestCase {
    private MyDatabase db;

    public void setUp(){
        RenamingDelegatingContext context 
        = new RenamingDelegatingContext(getContext(), "test_");
        db = new MyDatabase(context);

    public void testAddEntry(){
        // Here I have my new database which is not connected to the standard database of the App

    public void tearDown() throws Exception{


I was happy at how simple it looks. In my case I'm new to Android testing, so even the simple stuff seems difficult at the moment.

但在有趣的部分这是关键,是使用的 RenamingDelegatingContext 类作为你的背景,而不是仅仅使用一个正常的范围内。这似乎是建立在由@Jens提出的意见。

But the interesting part which is key, is using the RenamingDelegatingContext class as your "context" instead of just using a normal context. This seems to build on the comments made by @Jens.


This class wraps a given context and delegates most operations to that context. The useful part is that it performs database and file operations with a renamed database/file name (see documentation online).

这可以让您的测试code使用的数据库的实际不同的实例到生产code - 至少在我的情况下,这将是有益的。

This allows your TEST code to use an actual different instance of the database to your PRODUCTION code - at least in my case this is going to be useful.


Here is another related post where the accepted answer says pretty much the same thing:

  • Testing database on Android: ProviderTestCase2 or RenamingDelegatingContext?

在有一些有用的提示关于使用的ContentProvider 代替(但这是另一天的不同的问题)。

Some useful tips in there about using ContentProvider instead (but that's a different issue for another day).