
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-19 15:07:40

来自linkedin的支持真是可笑...我已就此问题与他们联系.他们拒绝承认.而是在这里指向我: LinkedIn主页重新设计

Support from linkedin is laughable... I've contacted them re this issue. They refuse to acknowledge it. And have instead pointed me here: LinkedIn Homepage Redesign


This does not resolve the issue (obviously).

不能使用CSS覆盖样式.我将删除关注"按钮,因为这是唯一可用的选项.很棒的LinkedIn ...

The style cannot be overwritten using css. I am going to remove the follow button, as this is the only available option. Great job LinkedIn...