
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-19 18:01:16

首先找出节点的路径 which node 将返回类似 /path/bin/node

First find out path for node which node will return something like /path/bin/node

输入该位置到 bin cd/path

enter that location to bin cd /path

通过运行卸载当前节点rm -r bin/node bin/node-waf include/node lib/node lib/pkgconfig/nodejs.pc share/man/man1/node.1

然后你需要通过运行来安装 nvmcurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.19.0/install.sh |bash 然后 .~/.nvm/nvm.shnvm install stable

then you'll want to install nvm by running curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.19.0/install.sh | bash then . ~/.nvm/nvm.sh and nvm install stable

安装节点 npm -g i node

最后全局安装sails npm -g i Sails

finally install sails globally npm -g i sails


you should be good to build you first sails project