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更新时间:2023-11-19 21:03:46

您机器上的证书存储在不同的存储区中,因此您需要将它们全部打开.请参阅 MSDN文章.


公共类 CertDetails{公共字符串名称{获取;放;}公共字符串 HasPrivateKey { 获取;放;}公共字符串位置{获取;放;}公共字符串发行人{获取;放;}}//商店和他们友好的名字var store = new Dictionary(){{StoreName.My, "个人"},{StoreName.Root, "受信任的根"},{StoreName.TrustedPublisher, "可信发布商"}//等等}.Select(s => new {store = new X509Store(s.Key, StoreLocation.LocalMachine), location = s.Value}).ToArray();foreach (var store in store)store.store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadOnly);//打开每个商店var list = stores.SelectMany(s => s.store.Certificates.Cast().Select(mCert => new CertDetails{HasPrivateKey = mCert.HasPrivateKey ?是":否",名称 = mCert.FriendlyName,位置 = s.location,发行人 = mCert.Issuer})).ToList();

I have the following code to get the certificates:

X509Store store = new X509Store("??","??");
            List<X509Certificate2> lst = new List<X509Certificate2>();

            foreach (X509Certificate2 mCert in store.Certificates)


Now I want to get all the certificates installed on Local Machine in a list<> with Certificate Name, Their location, Issued with Public key Or Private Key(in Yes or No only) and the name of folder which contains those certs(please refer below snapshot):

After populating List<> with Certs details I want to display those data in a grid format. How to modify this code to get above details?

Certificates on your machine stored in a different stores, so you need open all of them. Please see that MSDN article.

Code example:

public class CertDetails
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string HasPrivateKey { get; set; }
    public string Location { get; set; }
    public string Issuer { get; set; }

// stores and they friendly names
var stores = new Dictionary<StoreName, string>()
    {StoreName.My, "Personal"},
    {StoreName.Root, "Trusted roots"},
    {StoreName.TrustedPublisher, "Trusted publishers"}
    // and so on
    }.Select(s => new {store = new X509Store(s.Key, StoreLocation.LocalMachine), location = s.Value}).ToArray();

foreach (var store in stores)
    store.store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadOnly); // open each store

var list = stores.SelectMany(s => s.store.Certificates.Cast<X509Certificate2>()
    .Select(mCert => new CertDetails
        HasPrivateKey = mCert.HasPrivateKey ? "Yes" : "No",
        Name = mCert.FriendlyName,
        Location = s.location,
        Issuer = mCert.Issuer