
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-20 14:41:28



I am working with some CSS that is poorly written to say the least. I am not a design/CSS expert, but I at least understand the C in CSS. While the built in CSS support inside of VS-2008 is far improved over previous versions, it still doesn't quite do what I am looking for.

I was wondering if anyone knew of a good program or utility that will help me to refactor and clean up my CSS much the way that ReSharper helps you with C#.

Some features that would be nice:

  • Examine CSS files and determine ways to extract common styles like font-style, color, etc...
  • Possible plugin to VS-2008 would be awesome!
  • Examine markup files and make some suggestions on improving the current use of classes and styles.

The Dust-Me Selectors Firefox extension can scan a website and tell you what CSS is used and what is not. Removing unused CSS is one good first step in refactoring.

I have often found that when some section is removed from a website, the HTML is removed but the CSS is not.