
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-20 14:54:16


Don't disagree with most of the above although it's perhaps worth expanding a little.

DDD中最重要的一个概念是关注问题域.为了消除技术困扰,主要集中于对您要解决的问题进行建模.因此,将ajax,ORM,数据库,框架等置于后台,而首先要确保您具有完整,准确的问题模型. (当然,您仍然需要架构组件-但它们明确地服从于模型). DDD将此称为无处不在的语言"-用领域专家和开发人员都在使用和理解的术语表达的模型.从问题域中获取类,方法等名称的模型.

The single most important concept in DDD is to focus on the problem domain. To put technology obsession to the side and concentrate primarily on modelling the problem you're trying to solve. So put ajax, ORMs, databases, frameworks etc. into the background and instead make sure you have a complete, accurate model of the problem first and foremost. (Of course you still need the architectural components - but they're explicitly subservient to the model). DDD calls this "Ubiquitous Language" - a model expressed in terms domain experts and developers alike use and understand. A model where the names of classes, methods etc. are taken from the problem domain.


DDD doesn't mandate /how/ you capture that model, although the book implies using an OO language to do so.


MDA shares that same notion of modelling the problem domain first and foremost (the PIM, Platform-Independent Model). As opposed to DDD, it recommends creating that model with UML. But the intent is the same: understand the problem domain without tainting it with (software) architectural concerns.


MDA's PSM (Platform-Specific Model) is somewhat analogous to applying the architectural patterns in DDD (e.g. aggregate, repository, etc.). Again - while different in specifics - both aim to solve the problem of converting a 'pure' problem domain model into a full software system.


So summing up, I'd say they are similar in two ways:

  1. 模型的中心性(如@Rui所说)-特别是/Domain/模型.
  2. 将架构模式应用于模型以实现目标系统.
