
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-21 12:35:10

我自动获得在我的所有多媒体程序中,kinect被认为是麦克风我只使用从列表中选择并像普通话筒一样使用它,但如果你使用内置在windows 7中的语音api,你可以在其中编写自定义功能。此外,龙自然
说话确实在他们的网站上的某个地方有一个sdk,可以让你更好地认识人。你可能只是为了识别目的,他们可能是一种向语音sdk添加命令的方法,或者Windows 7 api可能允许你以编程方式为你的程序添加

I automatically get the kinect recognized as a mic in all of my multimedia programs i use just select from list and use it like a normal mic but if you use the speech api built into windows 7 you can code custom functionality into it. Also, dragon naturally speaking does have an sdk somewhere on their website that will allow you to recognize people better. You could just for identification purposes their might be a way to add commands to the speech sdk or windows 7 api might allow you to programmatically add new speech commands for your program.

我刚刚找到了一个示例PowerShell脚本 使用Windows 7的语音api用计算机语音说出单词。

I just found a sample powershell script that  uses windows 7's speech api to speak out words using a computer voice.