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如何在 for 循环内的 Plotly 中注释子图

更新时间:2023-11-21 16:04:40

我不确定 RMS 值的准确位置,但下面是一个示例代码,可以帮助您实现您想要的.

I am not sure where to exactly place the RMS value, but below is a sample code which will help you achieve what you want.


We create an array annotation_arr where we store the annotations using the for loop.

我们需要为每个单独的轴设置 xvalyval.请记住,第一个轴是 x,第二个是 x2 所以,我为此写了一个三元条件,请查看下面的代码,如果有的话请告诉我问题!

We need to set the xval and yval for each of the individual axes. Remember, first axis will be x, second will be x2 so, I have written a ternary condition for that, please checkout the below code and let me know if there is any issues!

import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs,init_notebook_mode,plot,iplot
from plotly import tools
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
rows = 4
figg = tools.make_subplots(rows=rows, cols=1)

fake_date = {"X":   np.arange(0, 100, 0.5), "Y": [np.sin(x) for x in range(200)], "Z": [x + 1 for x in range(10)] * 20}
fake_date = pd.DataFrame(fake_date)

unique_ids = fake_date['Z'].unique()
train_id, test_id = np.split(np.random.permutation(unique_ids), [int(.6 * len(unique_ids))])
top = 0
annotation_arr = []
for i, j in enumerate(test_id):

    x_test = fake_date[fake_date['Z'].isin([test_id[i]])] 
    y_test = fake_date[fake_date['Z'].isin([test_id[i]])]

    # Evaluate 
    rms_test = 0.04
    r_test = 0.9

    Real = {'type' : 'scatter',
                     'x' : x_test.X,
                     'y' : x_test.Y,
                "mode" : 'lines+markers', 
                "name" : 'Real'}

    top = top + 1/rows
    i_val = "" if i == 0 else i + 1
    annotation_arr.append(dict(x = r_test,y = top,  text= rms_test, xref= "x"+str(i_val),yref="y"+str(i_val)))
    figg.append_trace(Real, i+1, 1)

figg['layout'].update( annotations=annotation_arr  )
figg['layout'].update(height=1800, width=600, title='Testing')