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Crystal Reports:在报表标题部分插入图像

更新时间:2023-11-22 08:47:10


I finally found the following solution :

1 > 创建一个新的子报表.(右键单击设计器 > 插入 > 子报表).这个新的子报表将与包含图像数据的表相关.

1 > Create a new SubReport. (Right click on the designer > Insert > SubReport). This new SubReport will be related to the table which contain the image data.

2 > 确保此子报告位于报告标题部分.如果需要,删除黑色边框.

2 > Ensure that this sub report is in the Report Header section. Remove black borders if needed.

3 > 在子报表中,将您的图像 SQL 字段拖到详细信息部分.不要忘记指定相等条件以检索正确的图像.

3 > In the SubReport, drag your image SQL field into the Details section. Don't forget to specify an equals-condition in order to retrieve the right image.