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ActiveAdmin - 有没有办法生成一个 CSV 结合两个属于父模型的模型?

更新时间:2023-11-22 19:03:04

您可以编写自己的 csv 生成代码.以下是一些可帮助您入门的脚手架代码:

sidebar :foos_bars_as_csv, :only =>[:show] 做a(href: foos_bars_as_csv_admin_user_path) 做'下载为 csv'结尾结尾member_action :foos_bars_as_csv, :method =>:做# 定义你自己的标题csv_headers = ["Header 1", "Header 2"] # 自定义foos = 资源.foos条 = 资源.条rawcsv = CSV.generate(:col_sep => ",") 做 |csv|# 在这里你可以添加标题# csv <<csv_headersfoos.each 做 |foo|csv 'text/csv charset=utf-8; header=present', :filename => Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%e-%H%M%S) + 用户#{resource.id}-FoosnBars"并返回结尾


I have a model User, and 2 models, Foo and Bar that belongs_to :user. The user model have has_many :foo and has_many :bar.

These associations are in rails app level, not active_admin level.

What I want is to generate a CSV from the user show page, which I already have, that combines the respective foo and bar attributes of a user.

Foo and Bar share some attributes, but not all, so I'm aware that some fields will be left blank.

Is there a way to do this in Active Admin?

I've tried with the csv do block but can't manage to get all the Foos and Bars inside the same csv.

You can write your own csv generation code. Here is some scaffolding code to get you started:

sidebar :foos_bars_as_csv, :only => [:show] do
  a(href: foos_bars_as_csv_admin_user_path) do
    'Download as csv'

member_action :foos_bars_as_csv, :method => :get do
  # define your own headers
  csv_headers = ["Header 1", "Header 2"] # customize yourself
  foos = resource.foos
  bars = resource.bars
  rawcsv = CSV.generate(:col_sep => ",") do |csv|
    # here you could add headers
    # csv << csv_headers
    foos.each do |foo|
      csv << foo.build_csv_row # or something like this
    bars.each do |bar|
      bar << bar.build_csv_row
    csv << csv_row
  send_data(rawcsv, :type => 'text/csv charset=utf-8; header=present', :filename => Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%e-%H%M%S) + "User#{resource.id}-FoosnBars" and return

Good luck!