
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-22 19:55:22


this question might be helpful, but don't spend too much time on it as any DRM is likely to be broken (they spent millions trying to protect blu-rays and couldn't). At best you can deter the casual user, but you won't prevent the determined hacker, so don't waste time trying.

您可以做一些琐碎的,以确保为是不能被复制和发挥的是(如交换文件的几个字节一轮文件的标题,使其看起来好像它的垃圾所以不会播放,然后unswap在内存中,当你阅读的文件 - 只是一个例子,我不是专家)

you could do something trivial to make sure that the files as is can't be copied and played as is (like swap a few bytes round in the header of the file to make it seem as if its garbage so won't be played, then unswap them in memory when you read the file - just an example, I'm no expert)