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在 Apache Tomcat 404 深层链接问题上部署 Angular 应用程序

更新时间:2023-11-22 21:13:40

我设法解决了这个问题,例如 http://localhost:8080/angular/player/detail/4,步骤如下:

1) 使用以下命令构建 Angular 应用程序:ng build --prod -bh ./-d/angular

2) 将构建的应用程序的内容复制到 $ApacheLocation/webapps/angular

3) 重写规则:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_PATH} !-f重写规则 ^/angular/(.*)/angular?path=$1

4) 在 app.component.ts 设置导航:

constructor(private activateRoute: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router) { }ngOnInit() {const path = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.queryParams['path'];const navigateTo = '/' + 路径;如果(路径){this.router.navigate([navigateTo]);}




# %{REQUEST_PATH} 对应于用于映射的完整路径.# !非字符# '-f' (is regular file) 把TestString当成路径名,测试它是否存在,是否是一个普通文件.# ^ 匹配字符串或行的开头# .匹配除换行符以外的任何字符# * 匹配 0 个或多个前面的标记

所以基本上,如果/angular/anything 上没有文件,tomcat 会将完整路径作为查询字符串发送到 angular 应用程序,并从该查询参数 angular 处理路由.

I'm trying to figure out the way how to setup Apache Tomcat server to serve angular application with deep links. For example:

A static server routinely returns index.html when it receives a request for mysite.com/. But it rejects mysite.com/heroes/42 and returns a 404 - Not Found error unless it is configured to return index.html instead.

I want to serve angular app on localhost/angular, I have tried following:

1) Build angular application with:

ng build --prod --base-href .

2) Copy contents of build folder(default: dist) to $ApacheLocation/webapps/angular

3) Add RewriteRules at $ApacheLocation/conf/Catalina/localhost/rewrite.config

# If an existing asset or directory is requested go to it as it is
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_URI} -f [OR]  
RewriteRule ^ - [L]

# If the requested resource doesn't exist, use index.html
RewriteRule ^\/angular\/.*$ /angular/index.html

4) Adding valve just below Host tag

 <Host name="localhost"  appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"> 
   <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.rewrite.RewriteValve"/>

5) Starting Tomcat server and going to localhost/angular will give me:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < for all .js bundles (e.g main.bundle.js)

If I don't include rewrite rules, tomcat will serve localhost/angular as expected but will give 404 on deep links.

My setup configuration:

  • tomcat version 9.0.0.M26
  • angular version 4.4.2
  • @angular/cli: 1.4.2
  • node: 8.5.0
  • npm: 5.4.2
  • os: linux x64

I managed to fix this problem e.g http://localhost:8080/angular/player/detail/4 with following steps:

1) Build angular application with: ng build --prod -bh ./ -d /angular

2) Copy contents of builded app to $ApacheLocation/webapps/angular

3) Rewrite rule:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_PATH} !-f
RewriteRule ^/angular/(.*) /angular?path=$1

4) Setup navigation at app.component.ts:

constructor(private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router) { }

ngOnInit() {
const path = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.queryParams['path'];
const navigateTo = '/' + path;

if (path) {


You can find test project here: https://github.com/avuletica/test

Explanation of rewrite rules:

# %{REQUEST_PATH} corresponds to the full path that is used for mapping.
# ! NOT character 
# '-f' (is regular file) Treats the TestString as a pathname and tests whether or not it exists, and is a regular file.
# ^ matches the beginning of the string or line
# . matches any charceter except line breaks
# * match 0 or more of the preceding token

So basically if there is no file on /angular/anything tomcat sends full path as query string to angular application and from that query param angular handles routing.