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p:commandLink 不会重定向到新页面?

更新时间:2023-11-23 11:22:40

The Primefaces 的 p:commandLink 默认会触发 ajax 请求.它不会返回整个 HTTP 响应,而只会返回部分 HTTP 响应,该响应必须由 JS 在 HTML DOM 树中进行更新.

The Primefaces' p:commandLink fires by default an ajax request. It does not return a whole HTTP response, but only a partial HTTP response which has got to be updated in HTML DOM tree by JS.


  1. 通过 ajax="false" 属性禁用 ajax.然后它会触发一个普通的 HTTP 请求.

  1. Disable ajax by ajax="false" attribute. It'll then fire a normal HTTP request.

通过 update="clientid" 属性更新(重新渲染)部分内容(在同一页面上!).您可以使用 rendered 属性来控制内容的呈现.

Update (re-render) the partial content (on the same page!) by update="clientid" attribute. You can use rendered attribute to control the rendering of content.

如果两者都不起作用,那么问题出在其他地方.由于 h:commandLink 起作用并且 p:commandLink 的 action 方法也被执行了,所以它只能意味着你没有运行你认为的代码在尝试 ajax="false" 时运行.验证、保存、重建、重新部署、重新启动.

If neither works, then the problem lies somewhere else. Since the h:commandLink works and the action method of p:commandLink also get executed, then it can only mean that you're not running the code you think you're running while trying the ajax="false". Verify, save, rebuild, redeploy, restart.