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更新时间:2023-11-23 12:32:46


The problem with the current code is that it causes a side-effect of the temp node's next before it navigates to the next node from the current node. This is problematic when the current temp node is the current node.


That is, imagine this case:

temp = N
temp.next = N  # which means N.next = N
N = N.next     # but from above N = (N.next = N) -> N = N


There is a corrected version, with some other updates:

def merge_lists(head1, head2):
    if head1 is None:
        return head2
    if head2 is None:
        return head1

    # create dummy node to avoid additional checks in loop
    s = t = node() 
    while not (head1 is None or head2 is None):
        if head1.value < head2.value:
            # remember current low-node
            c = head1
            # follow ->next
            head1 = head1.next
            # remember current low-node
            c = head2
            # follow ->next
            head2 = head2.next

        # only mutate the node AFTER we have followed ->next
        t.next = c          
        # and make sure we also advance the temp
        t = t.next

    t.next = head1 or head2

    # return tail of dummy node
    return s.next