
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事

将两个git repos合并成一个,不用重命名文件

更新时间:2023-11-23 19:42:46

我已经能够合并建立在Michael建议的博文上。原始帖子只负责合并主分支 - 我已经扩展了它以从合并回购仓库中提取所有分支,所以没有任何历史记录丢失。


cd〜/ dev
git init
$ b $#虚拟初始提交创建主分支
git commit --allow-empty -m初始提交

cd ..
git克隆< RepoA url>
cd RepoA

用于远程`git branch -r | grep -v master`;做git checkout --track $ remote;完成

git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --tree-filter'mkdir -p .sub;
找到。 -mindepth 1 -exec mv {} .sub;
mv .sub RepoA
' - --glob = refs / heads / *

git gc --aggressive

cd ..
git clone< RepoB URL>
cd RepoB

用于远程`git branch -r | grep -v master`;做git checkout --track $ remote;完成

git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --tree-filter'mkdir -p .sub;
找到。 -mindepth 1 -exec mv {} .sub;
mv .sub RepoB
' - --glob = refs / heads / *

git gc --aggressive

cd ../Merged
git remote add回购../RepoA
git fetch - 所有
在`git branch -r`中用于远程;做git checkout -b $ remote --track $ remote;完成

git checkout master
git merge RepoA / master
git合并RepoB / master

git remote rm RepoA
git remote rm RepoB

git gc - 积极的


git remote add RepoMerged< Merged Repo URL>
git push --all RepoMerged

I'd like to merge two repos A and B into a common repo C. A and B both have a lot of files at the root folder level, So I'd like to create folders A and B in the root folder of repo C, and put the content of each original repo in its matching folder.

Is there do this without using git mv in the process? The problem is that I'm using Xcode which unfortunately doesn't follow the history of renamed files, so I'd like to avoid moves if possible. In effect, I'd like to merge each repo directly into its subfolder.

I've been able to do the merge by building on the blog post suggested by Michael. The original post only takes care of merging the master branch - I've expanded it to pull all branches from the merged repos so no history is lost.

To reiterate, I've found many other suggested methods of doing this sort of merge, but none which both save the history and don't rename paths (causing Xcode to fail showing history).

# Init a git repo which will contain the merge of the two repos, each in its own subdirectory
cd ~/dev
mkdir Merged
cd Merged
git init

# Dummy initial commit to create a master branch
git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit"

# Clone first repo
cd ..
git clone <RepoA url>
cd RepoA

# Checkout all branches
for remote in `git branch -r | grep -v master `; do git checkout --track $remote ; done

# Prepend subdirectory to all committed files paths in all branches
git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --tree-filter ' mkdir -p .sub;
  find . -mindepth 1 -exec mv {} .sub;
  mv .sub RepoA
  ' -- --glob=refs/heads/*

# Garbage cleanup
git gc --aggressive

# Same steps for second repo
cd ..
git clone <RepoB URL>
cd RepoB

# Checkout all branches  
for remote in `git branch -r | grep -v master `; do git checkout --track $remote ; done

# Prepend subdirectory to all committed files paths in all branches
git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --tree-filter ' mkdir -p .sub;
  find . -mindepth 1 -exec mv {} .sub;
  mv .sub RepoB
  ' -- --glob=refs/heads/*

# Garbage cleanup
git gc --aggressive

# Merge modified repos into unified repo
cd ../Merged
git remote add RepoA ../RepoA
git remote add RepoB ../RepoB
git fetch --all
for remote in `git branch -r`; do git checkout -b $remote --track $remote ; done

# Merge wanted branches (usually master) from each original repo into the master branch of the unified repo
git checkout master
git merge RepoA/master
git merge RepoB/master

# Remove remotes
git remote rm RepoA
git remote rm RepoB

# Garbage cleanup
git gc --aggressive

# All done

# Optionally push into a new empty remote repository
git remote add RepoMerged <Merged Repo URL>
git push --all RepoMerged