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更新时间:2023-11-23 21:32:58


So it seems fmincon is not the only tool for this job. In fact I couldn't even get it to work. Below, fmincon gets "stuck" on the IC and refuses to do anything...why...that's for a different post! Using the same layout and formulation, fminbnd finds the correct solution. The only difference, as far as I know, is that the former was using a conditional. But my conditional is nothing fancy, and really unneeded. So it's got to have something to do with the algorithm. I guess that's what you get when using a "black box". Anyway, after a long, drawn out, painful, learning experience, here is a solution:

options = optimset('Display','iter','MaxIter',500,'OutputFcn',@outfun);

% Conditional
index = @(L) min(find(abs([dpdx(range(range<=L),a_of_L(L)),inf] - 1) - tol > 0,1,'first'),length(range));

% Optimize
%xsol = fmincon(@(L) -range(index(L)),IC,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,confun,options);
xsol = fminbnd(@(L) -range(index(L)),LB,UB,options);


I would like to especially thank @AndrasDeak for all their support. I wouldn't have figured it out without the assistance!