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Visual Studio 2017 给出“将证书添加到受信任的根证书存储失败并出现以下错误"

更新时间:2023-11-24 17:18:46

注意:从问题中添加 OP 的解决方案作为答案.

这对我有用.删除了所有本地主机证书.在添加/删除程序中运行修复 IIS Express.将 localhost 证书从 Personal/Certificate 复制并粘贴到 Trusted Root Certificates,它不再抱怨了.

This is what worked for me. deleted all localhost certificates. ran repair IIS Express in Add/Remove Programs. Copy and pasted localhost certificate from Personal/Certificate to Trusted Root Certificates and it didn't complain anymore.

修复/重新安装 IIS Express 似乎并没有真正解决这个问题(从 IIS Express 10 开始),真正的解决方案是将 localhost 证书添加到 Trusted Rood 证书.

Repairing/reinstalling IIS Express does not appear to actually fix this issue (as of IIS Express 10), the real solution is to add the localhost certificate to Trusted Rood Certificates.


Full details for how to do this is covered by this blog post: https://blogs.iis.net/robert_mcmurray/how-to-trust-the-iis-express-self-signed-certificate


  • 通过控制面板中的管理计算机证书"或在 cmd 提示符下运行 certlm 打开证书管理器
  • 在 Personal>Certificates 下导出 localhost 证书并将其保存到磁盘
    • 不要导出私钥!只需导出公钥.