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更新时间:2023-11-25 15:07:34





XML文档和数据 [ ^

i am using vs 2010 vb.net, i was able to create an xml file just like the example below, if you can see we have four rows there and the cursor is at the end of the last line. now what i have to get is to have another line (empty line) after the the last tag note and the cursor appear on it, that be the 5th row.just to check the number of rows row . i must open the xml file using ultra edit, ultra edit show the xlm along with the row number.


--space in here, next line after /note--

What I have tried:


--regular xml ends in here, the cursor is in the same line of /note--

From your question it seems you are relating ti a XML file like a simple text file...While it is true that the final XML represented in a file-storage can give the impression that it is all about text, in truth XML is made of nodes...parent and child nodes...
So to XML you do not add a LINE, but you may add a node (and attributes of course)...
You pick the parent node and add a new child...

For details how to handle XML in .NET (VB or others) read here:
XML Documents and Data[^]