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更新时间:2023-11-26 07:57:04


You are there, already, it seems to me. You could simply wrap your predicate in another one saying:

word_repetitions(Word, List, [(Word-Count)]) :-
    count_repetitions(Word, List, Count).


Note that you don't need the parenthesis or the brackets around the Word-Count pair:

word_repetitions(Word, List, Word-Count) :-
    count_repetitions(Word, List, Count).


(but you can use them if you insist).


On your original predicate, renamed to reflect the differences:

list_word_reps([], Word, Word-0).
list_word_reps([W|Rest], Word, Word-Reps) :-
    list_word_reps(Rest, Word, Word-Reps0),
    (   W == Word
    ->  Reps is Reps0 + 1
    ;   Reps = Reps0

?- list_word_reps([yes,no,yes,no,maybe,yes], yes, X).
X = yes-3.


The reason why the list comes before the word is that the predicate then becomes deterministic. Same goes for using the if-then-else instead of two different clauses. You can put the answer in a list if you want to (just wrap the argument in brackets) but again, it is unnecessary.