
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-26 09:48:58

成功!我可以无限滚动工作使用远程过滤器和远程排序(这是4.1 beta 2中的版本,但是因为我在4.02a和4.0.7中遇到了相同的错误,所以我想它也可以解决这些错误)。基本上,我只需要在代码中添加一些替代。

SUCCESS! I have infinite scrolling working with a remote filter and remote sort (this is in 4.1 beta 2, but because I was getting the same errors in 4.02a and 4.0.7 I imagine that it would resolve those too). Basically, I just had to add a few overrides in my code.


I haven't done testing in other browsers but I have it going in FF. Here are the overrides that I am using:

Ext.override(Ext.data.Store, {

    // Handle prefetch when all the data is there and add purging
    prefetchPage: function(page, options, forceLoad) {

        var me = this,
            pageSize = me.pageSize || 25,
            start = (page - 1) * me.pageSize,
            end = start + pageSize;

        // A good time to remove records greater than cache

        // No more data to prefetch
        if (me.getCount() === me.getTotalCount() && !forceLoad) {

        // Currently not requesting this page and range isn't already satisified
        if (Ext.Array.indexOf(me.pagesRequested, page) === -1 && !me.rangeSatisfied(start, end)) {

            // Copy options into a new object so as not to mutate passed in objects
            options = Ext.apply({
                page     : page,
                start    : start,
                limit    : pageSize,
                callback : me.onWaitForGuarantee,
                scope    : me
            }, options);

    // Fixes too big guaranteedEnd and forces load even if all data is there
    doSort: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (me.buffered) {
            me.prefetchPage(1, {
                callback: function(records, operation, success) {
                    if (success) {
                        guaranteeRange = records.length < 100 ? records.length : 100
                        me.guaranteedStart = 0;
                        me.guaranteedEnd = 99; // should be more dynamic
                        me.loadRecords(Ext.Array.slice(records, 0, guaranteeRange));
            }, true);

Ext.override(Ext.ux.grid.FiltersFeature, {

    onBeforeLoad: Ext.emptyFn,

    // Appends the filter params, fixes too big guaranteedEnd and forces load even if all data is there
    reload: function() {
        var me = this,
            grid = me.getGridPanel(),
            filters = grid.filters.getFilterData(),
            store = me.view.getStore(),
            proxy = store.getProxy();

        proxy.extraParams = this.buildQuery(filters);
        store.prefetchPage(1, {
            callback: function(records, operation, success) {
                if (success) {
                        guaranteeRange = records.length < 100 ? records.length : 100;
                        store.guaranteedStart = 0;
                        store.guaranteedEnd = 99; // should be more dynamic
                        store.loadRecords(Ext.Array.slice(records, 0, guaranteeRange));
        }, true);


// the paged store of account data
var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
    model: 'Account',
    remoteSort: true,
    buffered: true,
    proxy: {
        type: 'ajax', 
        url: '../list?name=accounts', //<-- supports remote filter and remote sort
        simpleSortMode: true,
        reader: {
            type: 'json',
            root: 'rows',
            totalProperty: 'total'
    pageSize: 200


// the infinite scroll grid with filters
var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
    store: store,
    viewConfig: {
        trackOver: false,
        singleSelect: true,
    features: [{
        ftype: 'filters',
        updateBuffer: 1000 // trigger load after a 1 second timer
    verticalScrollerType: 'paginggridscroller',
    invalidateScrollerOnRefresh: false,         
    // grid columns
    columns: [columns...],


Also the initial load must be done like this (not just store.load()):

    start: 0,
    limit: 200,
    callback: function() {
        store.guaranteeRange(0, 99);