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如何为ggplot2添加手动颜色(geom_smooth / geom_line)

更新时间:2023-11-26 13:23:28


  Sample_EVI2_A_SPOT  Date = seq(as.Date( ),as.date(2014-02-01),by =1 day),
Tomato = cumsum(rnorm(32))

Grouped_Croptypes_EVI2< -data.frame(
Date = seq(as.Date(2014-01-01),as.Date(2014-02-01),by =1 day),
Vegetable_mean = cumsum(RNORM(32))

Grouped_Croptypes_EVI2&LT; -transform(Grouped_Croptypes_EVI2,
Vegetable_max = Vegetable_mean + runif(32)* 5,
Vegetable_min = Vegetable_mean-runif(32)* 5


  EVI2_veg  ggtitle(EVI2 for reference-data in Azraq (约旦))+ 
ylab(EVI2)+ xlab(月)+
theme_bw(base_size = 12,base_family =Times New Roman)+
geom_smooth(aes (x =日期,y = Vegetable_mean,ymin = Vegetable_min,
ymax = Vegetable_max,color =蔬菜,填充=蔬菜),
data = Grouped_Croptypes_EVI2,stat =identity)+
geom_line(aes(x = Date,y = Tomato,color =Tomato),data = Sample_EVI2_A_SPOT)+
scale_fill_manual(name =Min-Max-Range and Mean \\\
of specific Croptypes,
values = c(Vegetable =#008B00,Tomato =#FFFFFF))+
scale_color_manual(name =Min-Max-Range and Mean \\\
of specific Croptypes,
values = c(Vegetable =#008B00,Tomato =#CD4F39))

注意添加 color = 和 aes()调用中调用$ c> fill = 。你真的应该在 aes()中加入你想要的东西。在这里,我指定了假颜色,然后在 scale _ * _ manual 命令中定义它们。
$ b

I want to built a plot with ggplot2. Therefore i use geom_line to visualize lines and geom_smooth to show the Min-Max-Range of a specific index. Two data frames were used, the first row consists of the date (e.g.: 2013-02-04) and the next are measured values (e.g. 2.532283).

First i generate an empty ggplot with all styles:

yrange_EVI2 = is the Range of the Index (Minimum - Maximum) xrange = is the date range for the x-Axis (earliest - latest date)

EVI2_veg <- ggplot() + geom_blank() + 
            ylim(yrange_EVI2) + xlim(xrange) +
            ggtitle("EVI2 for reference-data in Azraq (Jordan)") + ylab("EVI2") + xlab("month") +
            theme_bw(base_size = 12, base_family = "Times New Roman")

Second step is to plot the Ranges (Min-Max-Range) and lines with the mean for specific values:

EVI2_veg <- EVI2_veg +
            geom_smooth(aes(x=Date, y=Vegetable_mean, ymin=Vegetable_min, ymax=Vegetable_max), data=Grouped_Croptypes_EVI2, stat="identity") +
            geom_line(aes(x=Date, y=Tomato), data=Sample_EVI2_A_SPOT)

In the last step i tried to change the color with scale_fill_manual and scale_color_manual:

EVI2_veg <- EVI2_veg + 
             scale_fill_manual("Min-Max-Range and Mean \nof specific Croptypes",labels=c("Vegetable","Tomato"),values=c("#008B00","#FFFFFF")) +
             scale_color_manual("Min-Max-Range and Mean \nof specific Croptypes",labels=c("Vegetable","Tomato"),values=c("#008B00","#CD4F39"))

I read a lot of answers and the manuals for the specific packages but i don't understand when i use the different colors="" and fill="":

  1. geom_line(ads(color="",fill=""))
  2. geom_line(ads(),color="", fill="")
  3. scale_color_manual(values=c("")) or scale_fill_manual=(values=c(""))

If i don't define the 1. no legend appears. But if i define it like in the Code the color don't match to the plot. Its my first time with ggplot2 and i read a lot of this useful package but i don't understand how i can define the colors. And how the colors from the plot and legend matching. It would be nice if somebody could help me.

First, it's always nice to include sample data with any plotting code otherwise we can't run it to see what you see. Please read how to make a great R reproducible example before making other posts. It will make it much easier for people to help you. Anyway, here's some sample data

    Date=seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"), as.Date("2014-02-01"), by="1 day"),
    Tomato = cumsum(rnorm(32))
    Date=seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"), as.Date("2014-02-01"), by="1 day"),

And this should make the plot you want

EVI2_veg <- ggplot() + geom_blank() + 
    ggtitle("EVI2 for reference-data in Azraq (Jordan)") +
    ylab("EVI2") + xlab("month") +
    theme_bw(base_size = 12, base_family = "Times New Roman") + 
    geom_smooth(aes(x=Date, y=Vegetable_mean, ymin=Vegetable_min, 
        ymax=Vegetable_max, color="Vegetable", fill="Vegetable"),
        data=Grouped_Croptypes_EVI2, stat="identity") +
    geom_line(aes(x=Date, y=Tomato, color="Tomato"), data=Sample_EVI2_A_SPOT) +
    scale_fill_manual(name="Min-Max-Range and Mean \nof specific Croptypes",
        values=c(Vegetable="#008B00", Tomato="#FFFFFF")) +
    scale_color_manual(name="Min-Max-Range and Mean \nof specific Croptypes",

Note the addition of color= and fill= in the aes() calls. You really should put stuff you want in legends inside aes(). Here i specify "fake" colors that i then define them in the scale_*_manual commands.