
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-26 13:27:22

除了 gd 以外,依靠外部库,很容易自己做。

It is quite easy to do on your own, without relying on external libs other than gd.


What you need to be aware of, is that you most likely cannot do a simple pixel per pixel check, as filtering and compression might slightly modify the value of each pixel.


The code I am proposing here will most likely be slow, if performance is a concern, you could optimize it or take shortcuts. Hopefully, the code puts you on the right track!


$small = imagecreatefrompng("small.png");
$large = imagecreatefrompng("large.png");

$smallwidth = imagesx($small);
$smallheight = imagesy($small);

$largewidth = imagesx($large);
$largeheight = imagesy($large);

$foundX = -1;
$foundY = -1;

$keepThreshold = 20;

$potentialPositions = array();

for($x = 0; $x <= $largewidth - $smallwidth; ++$x)
    for($y = 0; $y <= $largeheight - $smallheight; ++$y)
        // Scan the whole picture
        $error = GetImageErrorAt($large, $small, $x, $y);
        if($error["avg"] < $keepThreshold)
            array_push($potentialPositions, array("x" => $x, "y" => $y, "error" => $error));


echo "Found " . count($potentialPositions) . " potential positions\n";


The goal here is to find how similar the pixels are, and if they are somewhat similar, keep the potential position. Here, I iterate each and every pixel of the large picture, this could be a point of optimization.


Now, where does this error come from?



What I did here is iterate over the small picture and a "window" in the large picture checking how much difference there was on the red, green and blue channel:

function GetImageErrorAt($haystack, $needle, $startX, $startY)
    $error = array("red" => 0, "green" => 0, "blue" => 0, "avg" => 0);
    $needleWidth = imagesx($needle);
    $needleHeight = imagesy($needle);

    for($x = 0; $x < $needleWidth; ++$x)
        for($y = 0; $y < $needleHeight; ++$y)
            $nrgb = imagecolorat($needle, $x, $y);
            $hrgb = imagecolorat($haystack, $x + $startX, $y + $startY);

            $nr = $nrgb & 0xFF;
            $hr = $hrgb & 0xFF;

            $error["red"] += abs($hr - $nr);

            $ng = ($nrgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
            $hg = ($hrgb >> 8) & 0xFF;

            $error["green"] += abs($hg - $ng);

            $nb = ($nrgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
            $hb = ($hrgb >> 16) & 0xFF;

            $error["blue"] += abs($hb - $nb);
    $error["avg"] = ($error["red"] + $error["green"] + $error["blue"]) / ($needleWidth * $needleHeight);
    return $error;


So far, we've established a potential error value for every "window" in the large picture that could contain the small picture, and store them in an array if they seem "good enough".



Now, we simply need to sort our best matches and keep the best one, it is most likely where our small picture is located:

function SortOnAvgError($a, $b)
    if($a["error"]["avg"] == $b["error"]["avg"])
        return 0;
    return ($a["error"]["avg"] < $b["error"]["avg"]) ? -1 : 1;

if(count($potentialPositions) > 0)
    usort($potentialPositions, "SortOnAvgError");
    $mostLikely = $potentialPositions[0];
    echo "Most likely at " . $mostLikely["x"] . "," . $mostLikely["y"];




Found 5 potential positions
Most likely at 288,235


Which corresponds exactly with the position of our duck. The 4 other positions are 1 pixel up, down, left and right.


I am going to edit this entry after I'm done working on some optimizations for you, as this code is way too slow for big images (PHP performed even worse than I expected).



First, before doing anything to "optimize" the code, we need numbers, so I added

function microtime_float()
    list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
    return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);

$time_start = microtime_float();

$time_end = microtime_float();
echo "in " . ($time_end - $time_start) . " seconds\n";


at the end to have a specific idea of how much time is taken during the algorithm. This way, I can know if my changes improve or make the code worse. Given that the current code with these pictures takes ~45 minutes to execute, we should be able to improve this time quite a lot.

暂时不成功,是从 $ needle 缓存 RGB 以尝试加速 GetImageErrorAt 函数,但它会缩短时间。

A tentative that was not succesful, was to cache the RGB from the $needle to try to accelerate the GetImageErrorAt function, but it worsened the time.


Given that our computation is on a geometric scale, the more pixels we explore, the longer it will take... so a solution is to skip many pixels to try to locate as fast as possible our picture, and then more accurately zone in on our position.

我将错误函数修改为作为参数如何增加 x y

I modified the error function to take as a parameter how to increment the x and y

function GetImageErrorAt($haystack, $needle, $startX, $startY, $increment)
    $needleWidth = imagesx($needle);
    $needleHeight = imagesy($needle);

    $error = array("red" => 0, "green" => 0, "blue" => 0, "avg" => 0, "complete" => true);

    for($x = 0; $x < $needleWidth; $x = $x + $increment)
        for($y = 0; $y < $needleHeight; $y = $y + $increment)
            $hrgb = imagecolorat($haystack, $x + $startX, $y + $startY);
            $nrgb = imagecolorat($needle, $x, $y);

            $nr = $nrgb & 0xFF;
            $hr = $hrgb & 0xFF;

            $ng = ($nrgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
            $hg = ($hrgb >> 8) & 0xFF;

            $nb = ($nrgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
            $hb = ($hrgb >> 16) & 0xFF;

            $error["red"] += abs($hr - $nr);
            $error["green"] += abs($hg - $ng);
            $error["blue"] += abs($hb - $nb);

    $error["avg"] = ($error["red"] + $error["green"] + $error["blue"]) / ($needleWidth * $needleHeight);

    return $error;

例如,传递 2 将使函数返回4倍,因为我们跳过 x y 值。

For example, passing 2 will make the function return 4 times faster, as we skip both x and y values.

我还为主循环添加了 stepSize

$stepSize = 10;

for($x = 0; $x <= $largewidth - $smallwidth; $x = $x + $stepSize)
    for($y = 0; $y <= $largeheight - $smallheight; $y = $y + $stepSize)
        // Scan the whole picture
        $error = GetImageErrorAt($large, $small, $x, $y, 2);
        if($error["complete"] == true && $error["avg"] < $keepThreshold)
            array_push($potentialPositions, array("x" => $x, "y" => $y, "error" => $error));

这样做,我能够以精确的价格将执行时间从2657秒减少到7秒。我增加了 keepThreshold 以获得更多潜在结果。

Doing this, I was able to reduce the execution time from 2657 seconds to 7 seconds at a price of precision. I increased the keepThreshold to have more "potential results".


Now that I wasn't checking each pixels, my best answer is:

Found 8 potential positions
Most likely at 290,240


As you can see, we're near our desired position, but it's not quite right.

接下来我要做的是在这个非常接近的位置定义一个矩形,以探索我们添加的 stepSize 中的每个像素。

What I'm going to do next is define a rectangle around this "pretty close" position to explore every pixel inside the stepSize we added.


I'm now changing the lower part of the script for:

if(count($potentialPositions) > 0)
    usort($potentialPositions, "SortOnAvgError");
    $mostLikely = $potentialPositions[0];
    echo "Most probably around " . $mostLikely["x"] . "," . $mostLikely["y"] . "\n";

    $startX = $mostLikely["x"] - $stepSize + 1; // - $stepSize was already explored
    $startY = $mostLikely["y"] - $stepSize + 1; // - $stepSize was already explored

    $endX = $mostLikely["x"] + $stepSize - 1;
    $endY = $mostLikely["y"] + $stepSize - 1;

    $refinedPositions = array();

    for($x = $startX; $x <= $endX; ++$x)
        for($y = $startY; $y <= $endY; ++$y)
            // Scan the whole picture
            $error = GetImageErrorAt($large, $small, $x, $y, 1); // now check every pixel!
            if($error["avg"] < $keepThreshold) // make the threshold smaller
                array_push($refinedPositions, array("x" => $x, "y" => $y, "error" => $error));

    echo "Found " . count($refinedPositions) . " refined positions\n";
        usort($refinedPositions, "SortOnAvgError");
        $mostLikely = $refinedPositions[0];
        echo "Most likely at " . $mostLikely["x"] . "," . $mostLikely["y"] . "\n";


Found 8 potential positions
Most probably around 290,240
Checking between X 281 and 299
Checking between Y 231 and 249
Found 23 refined positions
Most likely at 288,235
in 13.960182189941 seconds


Which is indeed the right answer, roughly 200 times faster than the initial script.



Now, my test case was a bit too simple... I changed it to a google image search:

正在寻找这张图片(它位于 718,432

Looking for this picture (it's located at 718,432)


Considering the bigger picture sizes, we can expect a longer processing time, but the algorithm did find the picture at the right position:

Found 123 potential positions
Most probably around 720,430
Found 17 refined positions
Most likely at 718,432
in 43.224536895752 seconds



I decided to try the option I told you in the comment, to scale down the pictures before executing the find, and I had great results with it.


I added this code before the first loop:

$smallresizedwidth = $smallwidth / 2;
$smallresizedheight = $smallheight / 2;

$largeresizedwidth = $largewidth / 2;
$largeresizedheight = $largeheight / 2;

$smallresized = imagecreatetruecolor($smallresizedwidth, $smallresizedheight);
$largeresized = imagecreatetruecolor($largeresizedwidth, $largeresizedheight);

imagecopyresized($smallresized, $small, 0, 0, 0, 0, $smallresizedwidth, $smallresizedheight, $smallwidth, $smallheight);
imagecopyresized($largeresized, $large, 0, 0, 0, 0, $largeresizedwidth, $largeresizedheight, $largewidth, $largeheight);

对于他们主循环我迭代了调整大小的宽度和高度的资源。然后,当添加到数组时,我加倍 x y ,给出以下内容:

And for them main loop I iterated on the resized assets with the resized width and height. Then, when adding to the array, I double the x and y, giving the following:

array_push($potentialPositions, array("x" => $x * 2, "y" => $y * 2, "error" => $error));


The rest of the code remains the same, as we want to do the precise location on the real size pictures. All you have to do is add at the end:



Using this version of the code, with the google image result, I had:

Found 18 potential positions
Most around 720,440
Found 17 refined positions
Most likely at 718,432
in 11.499078989029 seconds

