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使用 Java URLConnection 设置 FTP 主动/被动模式

更新时间:2023-11-26 17:24:10

要让 FTP 完全正常工作,你真的需要使用 套接字.URLConnection 和 consorts 根本不适合您的需要(不支持进入被动模式).幸运的是,Apache Commons 已经为您完成了许多类似 Apache Commons Net FTPClient 的工作.要实现您的需要,只需使用 FTPClient#enterLocalPassiveMode()FTPClient#enterLocalActiveMode()

To get FTP full fledged to work, you'll really need to fall back to low-level programming with Sockets. The URLConnection and consorts simply doesn't suit your needs (no support to enter into passive mode). Fortunately Apache Commons has already done a lot of work for you in flavor of Apache Commons Net FTPClient. To achieve what you need, just use FTPClient#enterLocalPassiveMode() or FTPClient#enterLocalActiveMode()