
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-26 17:37:34

adVarchar adCmdText adParamInput 是常量值,需要在可以使用之前定义.您可以通过多种方式进行此操作:

adVarchar, adCmdText and adParamInput are constant values that need to be defined before they can be used. There are a number of ways you can do this:

  1. 仅定义您手动需要的常量:

  1. Define just the constants you require manually:

const adVarChar = 200
const adParamInput = &H0001
const adCmdText = &H0001

  • 直接使用这些值(可读性/维护性较低,通常不建议这样做):

  • Use the values directly (this is less readable / maintable and generally not recommended):

    cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("@name", 200, &H0001, 50, "%" & this.Form("email") & "%")

  • 包括一个 adovbs.inc ,该代码定义了一个方便的包含文件中的所有ADO常量:

  • Include a adovbs.inc which defines all of the ADO constants in a handy include file:

     <!--#include virtual="/adovbs.inc"-->


    The adovbs.inc file itself is available for download in lots of places on the web (make sure you give it a quick scan to check it doesn't include anything nasty), the 4GuysFromRolla site being a popular one (download the .txt linked and rename it to .inc)

    包括引用ADO TypeLib :

    <!--metadata type="TypeLib" name="Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library" uuid="{2A75196C-D9EB-4129-B803-931327F72D5C}" version="2.8"-->