
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-27 13:33:46

该问题可能是由于您在何处显示该UNI code文本。

The issue may be due to where you're displaying that unicode text.

我在我的表粘贴这些相同的字符在文本字段中。检索它们与使用DLookup 在即时窗口,使他们因为眼前的窗口不显示单code,你希望被显示为问号。

I pasted those same characters into a text field in my table. Retrieving them with DLookup in the Immediate window causes them to be displayed as question marks because the Immediate window does not display unicode as you wish.

? DLookup("some_text", "tblFoo", "id = 1")

A MSGBOX 也显示他们为问号。

A MsgBox also displays them as question marks.

MsgBox DLookup("some_text", "tblFoo", "id = 1")


However a form text box control does have the capability to handle unicode properly. Binding the text box to the field which contains those characters gives me this ...


一个查询还可以参考UNI code字,而这使用一个在其,其中条款,当查询的数据表视图中打开正确显示它们。

A query can also reference unicode characters, and this uses one in its WHERE clause and displays them all correctly when the query is opened in Datasheet View.

SELECT f.id, f.some_text
FROM tblFoo AS f
WHERE (((f.some_text) Like '佛*'));


I suspect this all comes down to how you're trying to use those unicode characters and where you're displaying them.


In a comment, you stated writing those unicode characters to a text file would produce only question marks. However, if you write unicode to a text file (as in the procedure below) and display the file in an editor which is capable of handling unicode correctly, you will see the same characters you see in Datasheet View of the table where they are stored. This screenshot shows Wordpad opened with the file which was created from the code below.


Dim objFso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim objFile As Scripting.TextStream

Set objFso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set objFile = objFso.OpenTextFile(CurrentProject.Path & _
    Chr(92) & "unicode.txt", ForWriting, True, TristateTrue)
objFile.Write DLookup("some_text", "tblFoo", "id = 1")
Set objFile = Nothing
Set objFso = Nothing