
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-27 16:23:34


void (*CharBufferClear)(CharBuffer) = (void*) StdBufferClear;

您正在将void *指针转换为不带强制转换的函数指针.在C语言中,void *指针可以转换为指向对象类型的指针而无需强制转换,但是不能转换为函数指针类型. (在C ++中,为了增强安全性,还需要强制转换将void *转换为对象类型.)

You're converting a void * pointer to a function pointer without a cast. In C, a void * pointer can convert to pointers to object types without a cast, but not to function pointer types. (In C++, a cast is needed to convert void * to object types also, for added safety.)


What you want here is just to cast between function pointer types, i.e.:

void (*CharBufferClear)(CharBuffer) = (void (*)(CharBuffer)) StdBufferClear;


Then you are still doing the same type punning because the functions are different types. You are trying to call a function which takes a StdBuffer using a pointer to a function which takes a CharBuffer.


This type of code is not well-defined C. Having defeated the type system, you're on your own, relying on testing, examining the object code, or obtaining some assurances from the compiler writers that this sort of thing works with that compiler.


What you learned in assembler coding doesn't apply because assembly languages have only a small number of rudimentary data types such as "machine address" or "32 bit word". The concept that two data structures with an identical layout and low-level representation might be incompatible types does not occur in assembly language.

即使两个类型在底层看起来相同(另一个示例:unsigned intunsigned long有时完全相同),C编译器也可以基于未违反类型规则的假设来优化程序.例如,假设AB指向相同的存储位置.如果为对象A->member分配对象,并且A->memberB->member具有不兼容的类型,例如一个为char *而另一个为B->member不受此影响. c8>.即使内存副本被分配给A->member覆盖,生成的代码仍将B->member的旧值缓存在寄存器中.这是无效的 aliasing 的示例.

Even if two types look the same at the low level (another example: unsigned int and unsigned long are sometimes exactly the same) C compilers can optimize programs based on the assumption that the type rules have not been violated. For instance suppose that A and B point to the same memory location. If you assign to an an object A->member, a C compiler can assume that the object B->member is not affected by this, if A->member and B->member have incompatible types, like one being char * and the other void *. The generated code keeps caching the old value of B->member in a register, even though the in-memory copy was overwritten by the assignment to A->member. This is an example of invalid aliasing.