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更新时间:2023-11-27 22:26:28


lxml is the king of xml parsing. I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but you could try something like this

from lxml import etree as et

# select a parser and make it remove whitespace
# to discard xml file formatting
parser = et.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)

# get the element tree of both of the files
src_tree = et.parse('src.xml', parser)
dest_tree = et.parse('dest.xml', parser)

# get the root element "resources" as
# we want to add it a new element
dest_root = dest_tree.getroot()

# from anywhere in the source document find the "string" tag
# that has a "name" attribute with the value of "TXT_T1"
src_tag = src_tree.find('//string[@name="TXT_T1"]')

# append the tag

# overwrite the xml file
et.ElementTree(dest_root).write('dest.xml', pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)


This assumes, that the first file is called src.xml and the second dest.xml. This also assumes that the element under which you need to copy the new element is the parent element. If not, you can use the find method to find the parent you need or if you don't know the parent, search for the tag with 'TXT_T2' and use tag.getparent() to get the parent.