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我们如何使用多个< h:messages>标签或< h:message>单个JSF页面中的标签?

更新时间:2023-11-28 09:10:40

如果您使用的是JSF 2,则可以通过ajax提交并更新表单.这样可以部分更新视图.

If you're using JSF 2, then you could just submit and update the form by ajax. This allows for partially updating the view.

    <h:messages />
    <h:commandButton ...>
        <f:ajax execute="@form" render="@form" />

    <h:messages />
    <h:commandButton ...>
        <f:ajax execute="@form" render="@form" />

或者如果您出于某些显而易见的原因而不想/不想使用ajax,或者仍在使用旧版JSF 1.x,那么请检查<h:messages>rendered属性,如果所需的形式是已提交或不是.

Or if you can't/don't want to use ajax for some unobvious reason, or are still using the legacy JSF 1.x, then check in the rendered attribute of <h:messages> if the desired form is been submitted or not.

<h:form binding="#{form1}">
    <h:messages rendered="#{form1.submitted}" />
    <h:commandButton ... />

<h:form binding="#{form2}">
    <h:messages rendered="#{form2.submitted}" />
    <h:commandButton ... />


The <h:message> shouldn't have this problem by the way, in contrary to what you're implying in your question.