
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-28 09:29:04


Using Django to download large files isn't really recommended. Usually you'd have a front-end multiplexer such as NginX, and use Django only to validate the file.

然后,如果下载经过验证,您将向多路复用器发出信号.对于NginX,您可以设置一个特殊的标头("X-Accel-Redirect")以指向本地文件的真实位置. Django将只提供几个字节,所有繁重的工作将由NginX承担;同时原始URL将是Django的URL,因此无法绕过安全性.

Then, if the download is validated, you'd issue a signal to the multiplexer. For NginX, you can set up a special header ("X-Accel-Redirect") to point to the true location of the local file. Django will only serve a few bytes, and all the heavy lifting will be taken up by NginX; at the same time the original URL will be that of Django, so that it is not possible to bypass security.

请参阅: http://wiki.nginx.org/X-accel


You can find notes on how to serve static files (extensible with authentication) here


但是正如页面上所说,它是"快速而肮脏的帮助程序视图",不适用于生产或高流量站点.即使Django 可以做到这一点,这也不是Django的初衷.

but as the page says, it is "a quick and dirty helper view" not intended for production or high-traffic sites. That's not what Django was designed to do, even if it can do it.