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找到`itertools` Python模块返回的给定组合(自然数)的索引

更新时间:2023-11-28 14:18:22

您的解决方案似乎非常快。在 find_idx 中,你有两个for循环,内部循环可以使用公式进行优化:

Your solution seems quite fast. In find_idx, you have two for loop, the inner loop can be optimized using the formular:

C(n, k) + C(n-1, k) + ... + C(n-r, k) = C(n+1, k+1) - C(n-r, k+1)

因此,您可以替换 sum(nck(n-2-) x,k-1)for x in range(c-last_c-1)) with nck(n-1,k) - nck(n-c + last_c,k )

so, you can replace sum(nck(n-2-x,k-1) for x in range(c-last_c-1)) with nck(n-1, k) - nck(n-c+last_c, k).

我不知道你如何实现 nck(n,k)功能,但它应该是时间复杂度测量的O(k)。在这里,我提供了我的实现:

I don't know how you implement your nck(n, k) function, but it should be O(k) measured in time complexity. Here I provide my implementation:

from operator import mul
from functools import reduce # In python 3
def nck_safe(n, k):
    if k < 0 or n < k: return 0
    return reduce(mul, range(n, n-k, -1), 1) // reduce(mul, range(1, k+1), 1)

最后,您的解决方案变为O(k ^ 2)而不递归。这是非常快的,因为 k 不会太大。

Finally, your solution become O(k^2) without recursion. It's quite fast since k wouldn't be too large.

我注意到 nck 的参数是(n,k)。 n和k都不会太大。我们可以通过缓存来加速程序。

I've noticed that nck's parameters are (n, k). Both n and k won't be too large. We may speed up the program by caching.

def nck(n, k, _cache={}):
    if (n, k) in _cache: return _cache[n, k]
    # before returning the result
    _cache[n, k] = result
    return result

在python3中,这可以通过使用 functools.lru_cache $来完成c $ c>装饰者:

In python3 this can be done by using functools.lru_cache decorator:

def nck(n, k):