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Python 3.3.2检查对象是否为文件类型

更新时间:2023-11-28 14:54:04

Python 3文件对象是 io模块,针对该模块中的 ABC类进行测试:>

Python 3 file objects are part of the io module, test against ABC classes in that module:

from io import IOBase

if isinstance(someobj, IOBase):

在Python 2中不要使用type(obj) == file;您应该使用isinstance(obj, file)代替.即使那样,您仍要测试功能io ABC允许您执行的操作; isinstance()函数将为实现抽象方法的所有方法的任何对象返回True.基类定义.

Don't use type(obj) == file in Python 2; you'd use isinstance(obj, file) instead. Even then, you would want to test for the capabilities; something the io ABCs let you do; the isinstance() function will return True for any object that implements all the methods the Abstract Base Class defines.


>>> from io import IOBase
>>> fh = open('/tmp/demo', 'w')
>>> isinstance(fh, IOBase)
>>> isinstance(object(), IOBase)