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我是否需要在 CreateProcess 之后关闭标准 I/O 的句柄?

更新时间:2023-11-28 14:57:46


Since you didn't open those handles (that's not what GetStdHandle does), you don't need to close them (maybe you want to close them for some other reason, but it's unlikely). (Note: even if you did open the handles, you don't have to wait for the process to exit before you close them: once they are inherited, closing them in parent process has no effect on the child).

注意 hStdOutput 应该是 INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE 而不是NULL:这是在 STARTUPINFO 中传递没有句柄的约定.

Note that hStdOutput should be INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE instead of NULL: that's the convention for passing the absence of a handle in STARTUPINFO.