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更新时间:2023-11-28 20:36:10

使用事件数据绑定事件 [
Use event DataBound Event[^]

OnDataBound event, check if the value was earlier selected - if so, apply different style to that listitem. Define a Databound handler for the ListBox. During databind, the execution will go through this method then.

Something like:
protected void lstMultipleValues_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
  foreach (ListItem item in lstMultipleValues.Items)
    //check anything out here
    if (item.Text.StartsWith("B"))
      item.Attributes.Add("style", "color:red");


If you''re trying to manually do it, and are not databound, something like this:

<asp:listbox id="list1" runat="server" selectionmode="Multiple" xmlns:asp="#unknown">
    <asp:listitem value="1" text="Apple"></asp:listitem>
    <asp:listitem value="2" text="Orange"></asp:listitem>
    <asp:listitem value="3" text="Banana"></asp:listitem>
    <asp:listitem value="4" text="Pear"></asp:listitem>



// Selections coming from your database
string selections = "2,4";  

// Create array of selected values
string[] selectedValues = selections.Split('','');

// Make sure there can be multiple value selected on you list box
list1.SelectionMode = ListSelectionMode.Multiple;

foreach (string value in selectedValues)
    ListItem item = list1.Items.FindByValue(value);
    if (item != null)
	item.Selected = true;