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更新时间:2023-11-29 08:13:34



What happens when we use exceptions to perform boundary checks?

Using exceptions for handling operations like null checking, bounds checking, file existance checking introduces a lot of overhead whenever the exception is thrown.


What you would have done if you simply checked the bounds:

  • 检查数组的大小是否为0而不是

  • 返回结果


What you actually are doing when using exception-based checking:

  • 检查数组的边界

  • 启动java异常机制(及其所有开销)

  • 创建一个新的异常对象

  • 转储整个堆栈跟踪

  • 用新堆栈数据填充新创建的对象

  • 捕获异常

  • 返回结果

  • check the bounds of the array
  • initiate java exceptions mechanism (with all its overhead)
  • create a new Exception object
  • dump entire stack trace
  • fill the newly created object with all stack data
  • catch the exception
  • return the result


With this simple test program, I have measured the speed of both types of array boundary checks.

public class BoundsCheckTest {

    final static int[] array = new int[1];
    final static Random gen = new Random();

    public static void main(String[] args){

        boolean ret = false;
        int tries = 100000000;
        long timestart = System.nanoTime();

        for (int a=0; a< tries; a++) {
            ret = method1();
        long timeend1 = System.nanoTime();

        for (int a=0; a< tries; a++) {
            ret = metod2();
        long timeend2 = System.nanoTime();

        long t1 = timeend1-timestart;
        long t2 = timeend2-timeend1;
        System.out.println("\ntime 1=["+t1+"]\n     2=["+t2+"]"+
                 "\ndiff=["+Math.abs(t1-t2)+"] percent diff=["+(100d*t2/t1-100)+"]");


    private static boolean metod2() {
        try {
            int val = array[gen.nextInt(2)];
            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

    private static boolean method1() {
        return array.length < gen.nextInt(2);



JDK 7,eclipse 模式运行:

JDK 7, eclipse Run as mode:

time check=[911620628]
diff=[280949010] percent diff=[30.818632375220886]

JDK 7,eclipse 调试模式:

JDK 7, eclipse Debug mode:

time check=[931243924]
diff=[650549533197] percent diff=[69858.12378809143]


The speed loss with debugging disabled is not very significant, though it is visible: code without exceptions is about 30% faster (for roughly 50% of false returns). The speed loss in debug mode is astonishing. The exception-based code runs about 700 times slower than the normal straight-up array size check.

例外背后的一般思想是允许一种处理 exceptiona 条件的方法。在这种情况下,根本没有异常条件 - 范围检查只是代码的正常部分。仅仅因为这个原因,在这种情况下不应该使用例外。

The general idea behind exceptions is to allow a way to handle exceptiona conditions. In this case, there is no exceptional condition at all - the range check is just a normal part of code. For that reason alone the exception should not be used in this situation.