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使用 SVG 路径数据在 Canvas 中绘制路径(SVG 路径到 Canvas 路径)

更新时间:2023-11-29 16:22:58

在 Chrome、Safari、Firefox 和 Edge 中,您可以使用 Path2D API 根据 SVG 路径数据在 Canvas 中绘制路径.Path2D 构造函数可以选择将 SVG 路径数据作为其输入,并在 Canvas 上生成等效路径.

In Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge you could make use of the Path2D API to draw Paths in Canvas based on SVG path data. The Path2D constructor can optionally take a SVG path data as its input and generate the equivalent path on Canvas.

Internet Explorer、Android 浏览器或 Opera Mini不支持此 API.因此,如果您需要支持这些浏览器,则必须使用任何一种转换器将 SVG 路径转换为等效的 Canvas 命令,然后才能使用.

This API is not supported by Internet Explorer, Android Browser or Opera Mini. So, if you need to support those browsers then you have to convert the SVG path into the equivalent Canvas commands using any one of the converters and then put it to use.

使用 Path2D API 在 Canvas 上的路径:

window.onload = function() {
  var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
  var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
  ctx.strokeStyle = '#000';
  ctx.lineWidth = 1;
  ctx.fillStyle = '#000'

  var p = new Path2D("m 75.8672,80.4954 c -0.6572,-0.0938 -2.252,-0.4688 -2.627,-0.375 -1.0313,0.1875 0.375,1.501 -0.1875,1.876 -0.4688,0.1875 -1.0313,-0.0938 -1.501,0.0938 -0.1875,0.0938 0.0938,0.4688 -0.0938,0.6572 -0.9375,0.75 -2.4385,0.8438 -3.377,1.6875 -1.125,1.0322 2.0635,3.6582 0.6572,4.6904 -3.2832,2.3447 -1.2197,-1.5947 -3.377,1.501 -0.2813,0.375 0.8438,0.4688 1.0313,0.9375 0.1875,0.376 -0.9375,0.2822 -0.9375,0.6572 0,0.1875 0.9375,1.4072 0.5625,1.876 -1.0313,1.0313 -2.5322,-0.5635 -3.4707,-0.5635 -1.4063,0 1.3135,1.3135 -1.0313,0.6572 -0.6572,-0.1875 -1.501,-1.2197 -1.7822,-1.7822 -0.1875,-0.1875 -0.376,-0.751 -0.4697,-0.5625 -0.375,0.5625 -0.2813,1.2188 -0.6563,1.6875 -1.2188,1.5947 -2.9082,0 -4.3145,0.4697 -0.1875,0.0938 0.1875,0.4688 0,0.6563 -0.8447,0.4688 -2.5332,0.375 -3.377,0 0,0 0,-0.0938 0.0938,-0.0938 0.4688,-0.4688 1.0313,-0.9375 1.2197,-1.4072 3.2822,0.1875 -0.4697,-2.0635 -1.4072,-2.626 -0.6563,-0.375 0.375,-1.5947 0.1875,-2.0635 -0.1875,-0.4697 -1.6885,0.8438 -1.3135,-0.376 0.2813,-0.8438 2.0635,-1.5938 1.4072,-2.1572 -0.4688,-0.375 -2.627,-0.1875 -2.4385,-1.3125 0.1875,-1.501 2.5322,-1.126 2.7197,-3.002 -0.0938,0 -0.0938,0 -0.1875,0 0.5625,0.0938 1.126,0.1875 1.7822,0.2813 0.75,0.0938 1.501,0.6563 2.251,0.75 0.751,0.0938 1.501,-0.4688 2.252,-0.375 0.4688,0.0938 0.75,0.751 1.2188,0.751 0.1875,0.0938 0.0938,-0.4697 0.2813,-0.5635 0.4697,-0.4688 1.2197,-0.6563 1.6885,-1.2188 0.376,-0.2822 0.0938,-0.9385 0.376,-1.2197 1.7813,-1.4072 3.6582,0.375 5.3457,-0.375 0.5635,-0.2813 0.6572,-1.126 1.2197,-1.3135 0.0938,-0.0938 3.1895,0.375 3.2832,0.2813 0.2813,-0.0938 -0.2813,-0.4688 -0.375,-0.75 -0.2813,-1.501 0.8438,-1.876 2.251,-1.876 0.3752,0 1.1262,2.9072 3.0959,4.502 l 0,0 z");

<canvas id='canvas' height='600px' width='600px'></canvas>

SVG 输出:(用于比较)

<svg viewBox='0 0 600 600' height='600px' width='600px'>
  <path class="state-x-area" d="m 75.8672,80.4954 c -0.6572,-0.0938 -2.252,-0.4688 -2.627,-0.375 -1.0313,0.1875 0.375,1.501 -0.1875,1.876 -0.4688,0.1875 -1.0313,-0.0938 -1.501,0.0938 -0.1875,0.0938 0.0938,0.4688 -0.0938,0.6572 -0.9375,0.75 -2.4385,0.8438 -3.377,1.6875 -1.125,1.0322 2.0635,3.6582 0.6572,4.6904 -3.2832,2.3447 -1.2197,-1.5947 -3.377,1.501 -0.2813,0.375 0.8438,0.4688 1.0313,0.9375 0.1875,0.376 -0.9375,0.2822 -0.9375,0.6572 0,0.1875 0.9375,1.4072 0.5625,1.876 -1.0313,1.0313 -2.5322,-0.5635 -3.4707,-0.5635 -1.4063,0 1.3135,1.3135 -1.0313,0.6572 -0.6572,-0.1875 -1.501,-1.2197 -1.7822,-1.7822 -0.1875,-0.1875 -0.376,-0.751 -0.4697,-0.5625 -0.375,0.5625 -0.2813,1.2188 -0.6563,1.6875 -1.2188,1.5947 -2.9082,0 -4.3145,0.4697 -0.1875,0.0938 0.1875,0.4688 0,0.6563 -0.8447,0.4688 -2.5332,0.375 -3.377,0 0,0 0,-0.0938 0.0938,-0.0938 0.4688,-0.4688 1.0313,-0.9375 1.2197,-1.4072 3.2822,0.1875 -0.4697,-2.0635 -1.4072,-2.626 -0.6563,-0.375 0.375,-1.5947 0.1875,-2.0635 -0.1875,-0.4697 -1.6885,0.8438 -1.3135,-0.376 0.2813,-0.8438 2.0635,-1.5938 1.4072,-2.1572 -0.4688,-0.375 -2.627,-0.1875 -2.4385,-1.3125 0.1875,-1.501 2.5322,-1.126 2.7197,-3.002 -0.0938,0 -0.0938,0 -0.1875,0 0.5625,0.0938 1.126,0.1875 1.7822,0.2813 0.75,0.0938 1.501,0.6563 2.251,0.75 0.751,0.0938 1.501,-0.4688 2.252,-0.375 0.4688,0.0938 0.75,0.751 1.2188,0.751 0.1875,0.0938 0.0938,-0.4697 0.2813,-0.5635 0.4697,-0.4688 1.2197,-0.6563 1.6885,-1.2188 0.376,-0.2822 0.0938,-0.9385 0.376,-1.2197 1.7813,-1.4072 3.6582,0.375 5.3457,-0.375 0.5635,-0.2813 0.6572,-1.126 1.2197,-1.3135 0.0938,-0.0938 3.1895,0.375 3.2832,0.2813 0.2813,-0.0938 -0.2813,-0.4688 -0.375,-0.75 -0.2813,-1.501 0.8438,-1.876 2.251,-1.876 0.3752,0 1.1262,2.9072 3.0959,4.502 l 0,0 z"
  style="fill:#000;stroke:#fff;stroke-width:1" />

注意:我已经修改了 SVG 和 Canvas 路径中的 moveTo 命令坐标,以使输出更加可见,而无需切换到全屏模式.支持>

Note: I have modified the moveTo command coordinates in both the SVG and Canvas path to make the output more visible without switching to full screen mode.
