
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-29 19:25:10


I understand that you have to solve this with lists, I won't write a list implementation because it'd be cumbersome (it's not the best data structure for the job), instead I'll show you how to solve the problem in terms of Racket's set operations, so you can translate it to use lists. First, a representation of the data:

(define s1 (set (set '(?x john) '(?city new-york))
                (set '(?x mike) '(?city chicago))
                (set '(?x mary) '(?city london))))

(define s2 (set (set '(?city chicago))
                (set '(?city new-york))))

(define s3 (set (set '(?x mike) '(?game tennis))
                (set '(?x john) '(?game air-hockey))))


With the representation in place, we need a procedure that given a single datum finds if it shares some element in common with a list of data - if it finds one match, it returns the union of data, if it doesn't find any it returns #f:

(define (find-match one-set set-of-sets)
  (cond ((set-empty? set-of-sets)
        ((not (set-empty? (set-intersect one-set (set-first set-of-sets))))
         (set-union one-set (set-first set-of-sets)))
         (find-match one-set (set-rest set-of-sets)))))


(find-match (set '(?x mike) '(?city chicago))
            (set (set '(?x mike) '(?game tennis))
                 (set '(?x john) '(?game air-hockey))))

=> (set '(?x mike) '(?city chicago) '(?game tennis))


Now it's easy to write a procedure that repeatedly matches all elements in one set of data with another set of data:

(define (join s1 s2)
  (let loop ((s1 s1)
             (result (set)))
    (if (set-empty? s1)
        (let ((match (find-match (set-first s1) s2)))
          (if match
              (loop (set-rest s1) (set-add result match))
              (loop (set-rest s1) result))))))


For instance, the first match between s1 and s2 (as defined above) would look like this:

(join s1 s2)

=> (set (set '(?x mike) '(?city chicago))
        (set '(?x john) '(?city new-york)))


To find successive matches among several sets of data just call join as many times as needed, with each set of data, accumulating the result:

(define (join-all . data)
  (if (empty? data)
      (foldr join (first data) (rest data))))

(join-all s1 s2 s3) ; equivalent to (join (join s1 s2) s3)

=> (set
     (set '(?x john) '(?city new-york) '(?game air-hockey))
     (set '(?x mike) '(?city chicago)  '(?game tennis)))


As you can see, the end result is the one we expected.