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Magento等级价格 - 买入价格中的等级价格声明为Y - javascript

更新时间:2023-11-29 21:40:04


I've just spent some time on this as it was really starting to bug me after I upgraded a customer's Magento site to


There are two parts to this, I'm going to state the locations and the fixes, but these will not be upgrade proof (for that you will want to create copies of the files and put them in your theme specific folders, although I'm not sure if it's possible with the JS file in question).


在文件 / design / frontend / base / default / template / catalog / product / view / tierprices.phtml

您需要更换行 32-34

$_product = $this->getProduct();
$_tierPrices = $this->getTierPrices();
$_finalPriceInclTax = $this->helper('tax')->getPrice($_product, $_product->getFinalPrice(), true);


$_product = $this->getProduct();
$_tierPrices = array();

foreach($this->getTierPrices() as $index => $info) {
    $_tierPrices[$index] = $info;
    $_tierPrices[$index]['formated_price'] = str_replace('class="price"', 'class="price tier-'.$index.'"', $info['formated_price']);
    $_tierPrices[$index]['formated_price_incl_tax'] = str_replace('class="price"', 'class="price tier-'.$index.' tier-'.$index.'-incl-tax"', $info['formated_price_incl_tax']);
$_finalPriceInclTax = $this->helper('tax')->getPrice($_product, $_product->getFinalPrice(), true);

这解决了因为你已经弄清楚没有正确渲染类的问题。 这是我发现此代码的地方 - 尽管它没有解决所有问题,因此JS改变了。

This fixes the issue with the class not being rendered correctly as you had already figured out. Here is where I found this code - although it didn't fix all the issues, hence the JS changes.


您需要替换行 757-769

$$('.benefit').each(function (el) {
    var parsePrice = function (html) {
        return parseFloat(/\d+\.?\d*/.exec(html));
    var container = $(this.containers[3]) ? this.containers[3] : this.containers[0];
    var price = parsePrice($(container).innerHTML);
    var tierPrice = $$('.price.tier-' + i);
    tierPrice = tierPrice.length ? parseInt(tierPrice[0].innerHTML, 10) : 0;
    var $percent = Selector.findChildElements(el, ['.percent.tier-' + i]);
    $percent.each(function (el) {
        el.innerHTML = Math.ceil(100 - ((100 / price) * tierPrice));
}, this);


// Code fixed to prevent the redundant inner loop and to use actual tiered pricing in calculation
// It also takes the optional price variants into consideration (eg: +£2 for a blue tshirt)
// Note: I've made this comment deliberately large, to keep the line numbers in sync
var parsePrice = function (html) {
    return parseFloat(/\d+\.?\d*/.exec(html));
var container = $(this.containers[3]) ? this.containers[3] : this.containers[0];
var price = parsePrice($(container).innerHTML);
$$('.percent.tier-' + i).each(function (el) {
    el.innerHTML = Math.ceil(100 - ((100 / price) * (this.tierPrices[i] + parseFloat(optionPrices))));
}, this);


I hope this saves at least one person a few hours of their life.