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更新时间:2023-11-30 15:22:10

不知道在delphi中如何做到这一点,但是如果你可以调用user32。 dll,并调用函数:

  if(GetSystemMetrics(SM_REMOTESESSION)!= 0)


  #define SM_REMOTESESSION 0x1000 

有关GetSystemMetrics api的更多信息,请访问:



Forgive me for probably using the wrong term for this "application mode".

Our application has a problem during start in that it doesn't show a task bar icon until the main window is up, even though there are loading progress windows, logon-windows, etc. on screen before that.

We change the code to fix this, but unfortunately this fix, when running the app through citrix, now shows two icons, one with just the icon and no text.

Is there a way for me to detect that the application is running through citrix? I don't know the right term for this, but only the app window is brought to the users desktop, not the whole remote desktop.

If it matters, the app is written in Delphi.

Not sure exactly how to do this in delphi, but if you can call out to the user32.dll, and call the function:

if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_REMOTESESSION) != 0)
   // We are in a remote session

This should tell you if you are running in a Citrix or Terminal Services environment. SM_REMOTESESSION is defined as:

#define SM_REMOTESESSION        0x1000

More info on the GetSystemMetrics api here: Link to msdn

Edit The following page describes how to do exactly the above in delphi. What works for Terminal Services should also work for Citrix:

Is your Delphi Application Running under Terminal Services as a Remote Session