
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事

试图让 powershell 在 C#/Visual Studio 中工作

更新时间:2023-11-30 15:56:52

如果您查看项目中的依赖项,您可能会看到有关正在使用 .NETFramework 还原的包并且可能不兼容的警告.

If you look at your dependencies in the project, you'll likely see a warning about the package being restored using .NETFramework and possibly not being compatible.


您的项目是 .NET Core,因此您可能需要安装 Powershell Core.

Your project is .NET core, so you might need to install Powershell Core instead.

或者,切换到 .net 框架解决方案,它会起作用.

Alternatively, switch to a .net framework solution and it will work.