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如何在sql中的单个查询中获取类别和子类别? (mysql)

更新时间:2023-11-30 17:49:58




    SuperId, ChildId, Distance
     1          1         0
     1          2         1
     2          2         0


那是什么意思.您跟踪层次结构中的所有路径. Cat的每个节点必须添加对自身的引用(距离0),然后通过添加有关链接的节点的冗余数据来支持复制.


 SELECT c.* from Category c inner join CatHierarchy ch ON ch.ChildId=c.cat_id
      WHERE ch.SuperId = :someSpecifiedRootOfCat

someSpecifiedRootOfCat-是用于指定类别根目录的参数 就是这样!

I would like to know if it's possible to extract the categories and sub-categories in a single DB fetch.

My DB table is something similar to that shown below


cat_id parent_id
1      0
2      1
3      2
4      3
5      3
6      1

i.e. when the input is 3, then all the rows with parent_id as 3 AND the row 3 itself AND all the parents of row 3 should be fetched.


cat_id parent_id
3      2   -> The row 3 itself
4      3   -> Row with parent as 3
5      3   -> Row with parent as 3
2      1   -> 2 is the parent of row 3
1      0   -> 1 is the parent of row 2

Can this be done using stored procedures and loops? If so, will it be a single DB fetch or multiple? Or are there any other better methods?


If you asking about "Is there in mysql recursive queries?" answer "NO".

But there is very good approach to handle it.

Create helper table (saying CatHierarchy)

    SuperId, ChildId, Distance
     1          1         0
     1          2         1
     2          2         0

This redundant data allows easily in 1 query to select any hierarchy, and in 2 insert support any hierarchy (deletion also performed in 1 query with help of delete cascade integrity).

So what does this mean. You track all path in hierarchy. Each node of Cat must add reference to itself (distance 0), then support duplication by adding redundant data about nodes are linked.

To select category with sub just write:

 SELECT c.* from Category c inner join CatHierarchy ch ON ch.ChildId=c.cat_id
      WHERE ch.SuperId = :someSpecifiedRootOfCat

someSpecifiedRootOfCat - is parameter to specify root of category THATS ALL!