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更新时间:2023-11-30 22:58:40


What is it that you want to be "safe to eavesdropping or even man-in-the-middle attacks"? Your password, or your data?

您的问题的标题专门指身份验证. MySQL做了合理的工作来保护您的密码免遭窃听(它不会以明文形式发送,并且使用nonce可以克服重放攻击).引用 MySQL协议内部:

The title of your question refers specifically to authentication. MySQL does a reasonable job of protecting your password from eavesdroppers (it is not sent plaintext, and the use of a nonce defeats replay attacks). Citing MySQL protocol internals:

MySQL 4.1及更高版本

MySQL 4.1 and later


Remember that mysql.user.Password stores SHA1(SHA1(password))

  • 服务器向客户端发送随机字符串(加扰)
  • 客户计算:
    • stage1_hash = SHA1(密码),使用用户输入的密码.
    • 令牌= SHA1(加扰+ SHA1(stage1_hash))XOR stage1_hash
    • The server sends a random string (scramble) to the client
    • the client calculates:
      • stage1_hash = SHA1(password), using the password that the user has entered.
      • token = SHA1(scramble + SHA1(stage1_hash)) XOR stage1_hash
      • stage1_hash'=令牌XOR SHA1(加扰+ mysql.user.Password)

      (注意SHA1(A + B)是A与B并置的SHA1.)

      (Note SHA1(A+B) is the SHA1 of the concatenation of A with B.)

      此协议可修复旧协议的缺陷,而不会监听 wire或mysql.user.Password都足以成功 连接.但是当同时拥有mysql.user.Password和 在电线上截获到数据后,他有足够的信息可以连接.

      This protocol fixes the flaw of the old one, neither snooping on the wire nor mysql.user.Password are sufficient for a successful connection. But when one has both mysql.user.Password and the intercepted data on the wire, he has enough information to connect.

      但是,经过身份验证的会话将以纯文本继续:窃听者将能够看到所有查询和结果; MITM可以对其进行更改.如手册所述:

      However, authenticated sessions continue in plaintext: an eavesdropper will be able to see all queries and results; and a MITM would be able to make alterations to the same. As stated in the manual:


      By default, MySQL uses unencrypted connections between the client and the server. This means that someone with access to the network could watch all your traffic and look at the data being sent or received. They could even change the data while it is in transit between client and server.


      Whilst you may not like the answer, SSL is the tool designed to defeat both data eavesdropping (how else can the communications be encrypted?) and MITM attacks (how else can either party verify that its peer is who it thinks it is?). Indeed, if the mysql client-server protocol alone defeated these threats then there would be no reason to use mysql over SSL (and thus it would be unlikely to be a supported configuration).