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C ++和预处理器宏:可变参数类型

更新时间:2023-12-01 09:35:10


If you don't mind a slightly different call syntax, you can use boost.preprocessor for that:

#include "boost/preprocessor.hpp"

// or to not include entire preprocessor header, the following header files will do
// #include <boost/preprocessor/stringize.hpp>
// #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/for_each.hpp>

#define CREATE_ONE_VAR(maR_, maData_, maVarName) \
  double maVarName {smc::define_variable (data, maVarName, BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(maVarName))};

#define CREATE_VAR(maSeq) \


CREATE_VAR((x1)(x2)(x3))  //does the same as your original _CREATE_VAR3(x1, x2, x3)

现在您可以使用从1到 BOOST_PP_LIMIT_SEQ 的任意数量的变量来调用它,通常为256.

Now you can call it with any number of variables from 1 to BOOST_PP_LIMIT_SEQ, which is normally 256.

一些注意事项:我使用 %% 表示该参数未使用.您可以在其中放置任何内容(将其传递给内部宏的 maData 参数,我们不使用它).

A few notes: I use %% to indicate that the argument is unused. You can put anything in there (it gets passed to the internal macro's maData parameter, which we don't use).


You should not name your macros to start with an underscore followed by a capital letter. It's illegal according to the standard, as such symbols (as well as any symbol including two consecutive underscores) are reserved for your compiler.