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更新时间:2023-12-01 10:05:40


Is there a elegant way, to bind predefined dataGridView columns with results from sql statement?


dataGridView1.Columns.Add("EID", "ID");
dataGridView1.Columns.Add("FName", "FirstName");

some sql like SELECT t.FirstName as FName, t.EmpID as EID FROM table t ...

and then I call dataGridView1.DataSource = someDataSet.Tables[0].DefaultView;

The last call add columns to my datagrid but I just want to bind it by column name not to add new columns.

The example will give a result like this:

Table coulumns: ID, FirstName, FName, EID (ID and FirstName holds empty cells)

How to get this:

Table coulumns: ID, FirstName or FirstName, ID

Best Regards!

Aside from setting AutoGenerateColumns to false, you also need to set DataPropertyName for each column in the DataGridView to the corresponding field in the data source. You can set this in the designer or in code before setting the DataSource property.