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更新时间:2023-12-01 14:21:10


This seems like it would be much easier to do with awk. Load the text file into the keys of an associative array. Then read the CSV file, and test whether the IP field is contained in the array.

awk -i inplace -F, -v OFS=, '
    NR==FNR { a[$0]++; next } # Put lines from list.txt into array
    a[$8] { print $0 "SUSPICIOUS" } # Test if IP in current row is in array
    { print }' inplace=0 list.txt inplace=1 *.csv # Otherwise print row normally

这使用GNU awk的inplace扩展名,因此它可以将结果写回到输入文件中.

This uses the inplace extension of GNU awk so it can write the result back to the input file.