
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-01 16:44:40



  • 将所有关键字public替换为internal.您不应允许超出实际需要的访问权限.仅当需要由其他某些程序集引用程序集并获得跨程序集边界的访问权限时,才需要public.仅在需要时更改访问权限.
  • 这根本不是一个错误,只是一个注释:您实现了IComparable<TaxPayer>,这确实是排序所必需的.

  • 现在,这确实是一个严重的问题:请查看立即常量 10.出现了6次!这是您(针对自己)犯下的真正罪行.假设您下次需要12条记录.您将如何支持它?记住其中一项主要原则: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_repeat_yourself [ ^ ].


  • 您是否根本需要立即数? 30000、0.15、0.28怎么样?它们不重复了吗?不,但这仍然是一个问题.做同样的事情:将它们放在显式常量中.将所有显式常量放在一起;他们将向您展示任务的参数.如果这将是真实的"开发,则稍后它们都将转换为变量.设计良好的最终版本现实生活应用程序几乎没有常量,除了0、1或null之类的东西.所有数据最终都来自数据文件,配置文件,网络等.
  • 字符串立即数如何?理想情况下,它们都应转到资源和/或数据文件.如果不重复,至少在研究作业中,您的工作可以被接受.
  • 删除-"的愚蠢操作(是的,这很愚蠢,但是正如我所说,
  • 好吧,您很好地遵循了命名约定,除了两个问题:拼写Ssn,而不是SSN(是的,此建议由Microsoft正式推荐,并且有其原因)和i —真是个坏名字.假设您要查找所有循环变量.搜索功能无法为您提供帮助.因此,所有变量都应基于正确拼写的非缩写英语单词. index一词恰好正确.
OK, I reviewed the code, as I promised. Now, the situation is very different from what I could see before you added the code to the post. Now, I would ask: "So, and where do you see a problem?". The code is not too bad.

I actually can see a few problems, and not very critical ones. Let me overview some of them:

  • Replace all keyword public with internal. You should not allow more access than it is really required. You will need public only when you need to reference your assembly by some other assembly and get access across the assembly boundary. Change access only when you need it.
  • Not a mistake at all, but just a note: you implemented IComparable<TaxPayer> which is really needed for sorting.

    You would also often need to implement System.Object.Equals and that will require you to override System.Object.GetHashCode. Do you know why? The syntax will require that, but the real purpose is: the object with overridden identity needs to be able to serve as a key in dictionaries and similar key-accessed collections. Just in case, definition of "==" and "!=" operators would be helpful.
  • Now, this is a really serious problem: look at the immediate constant 10. It appears 6 times! And this is a real crime you are committing (against youself). Suppose you will need 12 records next time. How will you support it? Remember one of the main principles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_repeat_yourself[^].

    You have two options. First, you need to make this 10 an explicit constant. When you change it, all program''s behavior will be changed to 10 at once. Easy, isn''t it?

    Another option is even better: request the user to enter the number of elements instead of 10. Don''t tell me your teacher did not require that. I already explained that this teacher is not so qualified. Also, one of the main real responsibilities of the developer is to do something that your "boss" does not require if there is a good reason for that. Here is why, in this case: the development effort will be the same, but how can you debug it? Repeat 10 inputs every time? You should always make the most abstract solution possible when it does not take extra effort.
  • Do you need immediate constants at all? How about 30000, 0.15, 0.28 — they are not repeated? No, but it''s still a problem. Do the same thing: put them in the explicit constants. Put all explicit constants together; they will show you what a parameters of the task. It if would be "real" development, sooner of later they all will be converted to variables. Well designed final-version real life application have almost no constants except things like, 0, 1 or null. All data ultimately comes from data files, configuration files, network, etc.
  • How about string immediate constants? Ideally, they all should go to resources and/or data files. If they are not repeated, what you do can be considered as acceptable, at least for the study assignment.
  • The stupid operation of removal of "-" (yes, it is stupid, but as I say, this is a fault of your teacher) should better be placed in the implementation of the property SSN.
  • Well, you follow naming convention quite well, except two problem: spell Ssn, not SSN (yes, this recommendation is officially recommended by Microsoft, and it has its reasons) and i — really bad name. Imagine you want to find all loop variables. Search feature won''t help you. By that reason, all variables should be based on correctly spelled non-abbreviated English words. The word index would be just right.

DaSasha wrote:


you gonna pay my financial aid back if I drop that course? I don''t think so, if u not gonna help no need to post [Spelling and grammar quotes as is — SA]




您不会免费获得经济援助.我很确定您将面临以下其中一种情况:1)需要全额偿还您的援助金,2)需要偿还这笔钱的一部分,而其余的钱将由***或其他机构支付资金; 3)更有可能需要全额偿还您的援助金以及一些利息.










Dear Da Sasha,

First of all, I insist that we leave the the decisions on the need for his posts to SteveAdey along. I would modestly hope that you would grant similar privilege to me as well.

Just think about your financial situation more thoroughly:

You don''t get financial aid for free. I''m pretty sure you will face one of the following: 1) a need to repay your aid money in full, 2) a need to re-pay part of this money while the rest of it will be covered by government or other funds; 3) more likely, a need to repay your aid money in full plus some interest.

The money is funded to the student in more or less shaky assumption that they are able to complete education, gain essential experience and in this way achieve some status and reputation which could help them to get reasonable earnings, sufficient for making for living and repay of the debt.

Let''s look at your situation. You are at the very beginning, just getting very basic knowledge. Not only you are not confident enough in the most elementary tasks (this is not a problem at all, it will come sooner or later) you don''t demonstrate the passion which is very typical for the beginners in the exciting field of computing, just the opposite, you demonstrate lack of independent behavior and something that I cannot call anything but "wining". Most interested students are over-estimate their capability, best students estimate them adequately, but who complains that the job is "really hard"? I almost never observe such behavior. Maybe this is just your sincere style of communication, but in fact it looks like an extreme weakness to me.

I have further concerns about your teacher. If the requirement "use a string for the type, but do not use dashes within the number" comes from a teacher, this is a strong indication that this teacher has very little idea about programming, its quality, maintenance, etc. The presentation of such a fixed-format structure as SSN using anything but some adequate integer type of a structure made of numeric members is plain stupid. Even if the goal would be to simplify your assignment — it does not simplify anything. You see, there is such thing which I call "education fraud". Everything is perfectly legal, only you pay your money for the fake knowledge while you might be not independent enough to feel the fake education services or learn by yourself. I don''t know, maybe your teacher is just weak, but may be a fake. If you cannot resist and learn by yourself (which is normally the main way of learning), you can get fake knowledge and fake experience. Do you think you would be able to get enough money with that?

So, what can happen? If you change your career path, you can loose some money, but you can get a chance to earn some money in some other activity. If you don''t, you can save your aid money, but only for some period of time as you will have to repay it anyway. In exchange, you risk wasting considerable time of your life to just frustration and loose you chance to earn money. You can potentially get into a great trouble of re-paying the debt, not just providing for living. I know, life can be really hard. It is hard, in fact.

However, I never know exactly. I don''t know how much money, I don''t know your real risks. You decide. Be responsible.

My best desire here is to be wrong. Yes, I wish to see that I was wrong and you can cope and change things and make a great career in computing. I really wish you that. I only try to help you to realize what''s involved.

Please forgive me this off-topic post. I''ll see if I can help you with the code you''ve added to your post.

Best wishes,