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MS Access在数据表中显示VBA选择查询

更新时间:2023-12-01 18:29:58


Personally, I use the following code to display recordsets.


Like Darren's answer, I have created a form, which I've named frmDynDS, with the default view set to datasheet view, and I've added 255 controls to it using the following code (run while the form is in design view):

Dim i As Long
Dim myCtl As Control
For i = 0 To 254
    Set myCtl = Application.CreateControl("frmDynDS", acTextBox, acDetail)
    myCtl.Name = "Text" & i
Next i


Then, I've added the following code to the form's module:

Public Myself As Object

Public Sub LoadRS(myRS As Object)
    'Supports both ADODB and DAO recordsets
    Dim i As Long
    Dim myTextbox As textbox
    Dim fld As Object
    i = 0
    With myRS
        For Each fld In myRS.Fields
            Set myTextbox = Me.Controls("Text" & i)
            myTextbox.Properties("DatasheetCaption").Value = fld.Name
            myTextbox.ControlSource = fld.Name
            myTextbox.ColumnHidden = False
            myTextbox.columnWidth = -2
            i = i + 1
        Next fld
    End With
    For i = i To 254
        Set myTextbox = Me.Controls("Text" & i)
        myTextbox.ColumnHidden = True
    Next i
    Set Me.Recordset = myRS
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    Set Myself = Nothing 'Prevent memory leak
End Sub


Then, I've got the following code in a public module:"

Public Sub DisplayRS(rs As Object)
    Dim f As New Form_frmDynDS
    f.LoadRS rs
    f.Visible = True
    Set f.Myself = f
End Sub


After you have all this set up, displaying recordsets is very simple. Just do the following:

DisplayRS CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM EXPORT_CERTIFICATION WHERE EXPORT_CERTIFICATION.CertificationStatus = 'Certified'")


This will open up the form, make the appropriate amount of controls visible, set the caption, adjust cell width to accommodate the caption, and then bind the controls to the recordset. The form will persist until closed, and you can open up multiple recordsets simultaneously with this code.


Do note that you can't use parameters in the recordset when running this code, as it will crash on filtering/sorting.